30 Oct 2009

It's really boring at home.

A few days 'til the start of registration and finally I'm bored at home. It's not that I'm not doing anything, but going through each day encountering the same stuff over and over again will really get to your nerves.

I turned on the TV when I woke up a few hours ago. The first channel that the TV was tuned into was ANC(for a reason I really do not know because when I slept, it was on AXN) and there is a segment about Former President Estrada, okay, Erap in the morning, that's like waking up to a nightmare. So I decided to just channel scroll and I came to watch a replay of a show last night... What has this got to do with this post you may ask, well, my life has been on a replay since I started this school year. I know it is lame but I think I just noticed it now. My regular schedule seems to be wake up, turn on the TV, go to the CR, then morning rituals, then breakfast, then its either go to school, or turn the PC on to check mails. It's that routine everyday. Its sickening, trust me. Right now, I'm craving for a change of scenery. I want to go out, do something, or just go out and never return here. I just want a break from all things familiar - friends, family, environment, people.


Oh well, I guess I'll just try to hide under a rock. It has been proven somewhat effective in trying to contain some kind of sanity once in a while but you know, once things go bonkers, any kind of rock won't shelter you from whatever is out there - living, or contrived. I guess I'm still trying to get rid one part of me.

'nuf said.

au revoir!


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