16 Nov 2009

Time for a new post. :)

Before anything else, I would like to say that this post will not be about the recent win of Mr. Pacquiao. :) Sorry, but kudos to the fella though, he really brought his game to his opponent.

Anyway, my first week in the second semester is finally over and I just have to say that this week moved ever so slowly. I don't know if it was due to the fact that I go home when the night has already settled in or what. I just felt that my week moved slowly. Well, that brought me a nice idea to write on - how things seem to run slowly.

I'll write about that on the next blogpost.

I have a lot of things to do, my schedule demands my attention 24/5 yep. I have 2 days off. I force myself to not do anything on those 2 days and gut it out the remaining 5 days of the week. all work and no relaxation makes me a very very sad and tired boy.

think of it this way, stressed + fatigue - (fun+rest) = self-inflicted murder. soooo there. I need this. But i'm pretty sure that in the coming weeks, that will happen. In fact, the only thing missing for that equation to come true is the negation of the fun part. ugh.

Oh well, I gotta go and be a student again. I have yet to put to notes all the necessary data needed for my economics subject and I still have to edit a paper in my french class. at least a ray of sunlight shined on me before I went home last friday.

Bonne chance trick!


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