Here they go again!
Its truly Christmas.
No matter how weird the weather may seem during these past days, it is an obvious sight that Christmas is almost here. The vast displays of flickering lights and the seemingly competitive nature of neighbors trying to outdo each other by putting up the most extravagant and the most intricate Christmas decor outside their already decorated and glowing houses. Also, the songs have already been playing everywhere, songs which remind each and everyone of us various memories of Christmas past. Just a few minutes ago, while in the car, a song played and everybody in car (me, my mom and my dad) sang almost instantly, it was one of those moments you can't trade for anything else in this world.
Now moving on, Christmas has and always been my favorite holiday. The cold weather, the festive atmosphere and the distinct smell in the air saying that it's gonna be a few more days since the start of another vacation. Thing is, for a time now, my days have been oh so quick, I guess it's just my body clock adjusting to the hectic schedule of everyday life. BUT, yes, a big but... my personified yet imagined body is screaming at the person it is trapped in saying GIVE ME A DAMN REST. If my body could really talk to me right now, he won't in disgust and anguish because of the treatment I'm giving it - a slave in his own world. The only reprieve my body has is number 1, when it sleeps, or 2, when it eats. (what's with me talking about my body in the third person...?)
In recent days, I've been splurging in crepes and the recent crepe session was a complete failure. I just felt depressed, well, the two of us actually(my friend and I). These crepe sessions have kept my sanity up these past few days. I really just want to stay at home and rest all the while but it's one of those moments when I want to go just for that, not only for the Crepe but also the company of a friend or friends.
Now back to Christmas.
People know that Christmas is nearing because of one thing - Carolers. Yes, the nightly kid-revelers singing the same old song over and over again trying to get a few pennies for their efforts. I'd have to give it to those kids, they really try - well good luck in trying for I won't bother. It's one thing for the kids to really try their best, but if their best is having to break a few mirrors in the process, well that's a different story. I am somewhat irritated when they try to sing the all so familiar song in such a way that you know that their version is a new version than the one they sang a year ago, that their version is more weirder, more well...chinese. Just a few hours ago, a kid sang in front of the gate the same song...and guess what, I didn't actually understand a thing he said. wow. I didn't know if it was my dog serenading us with her barking while the kid was singing or its just the singing but one thing was sure - I DID NOT UNDERSTAND A THING HE SAID.
On a lighter note, well this year, poor-tiered carolers are a bit low on supply. I guess they had the while year last year to refine their vocal skills. It's those that I want to hear on a cold windy night, not the same old song sang over and over again. And don't get me started on carolers using station ids on their songs. it's too irritating hearing those in TV and these kids whip up a version live at your doorstep. sheesh, can they sing a much better song?
Anyway, as the saying says, to each his own. As I look back on the days that have passed, I think that I'm thinking too much. I haven't been able to appreciate the finer things and the smaller details. Hopefully soon enough I will. :)
Well, it's gonna be Christmas a few days from now and I'm really really excited about it. It's not what's gonna happen during Christmas. It's CHRISTMAS ITSELF. now time to save up!
au revoir. :)
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